Brazilian Butt Lift
Conveniently located to serve New York City
A shapely, full booty is one of today’s most coveted physical desires, a full Brazilian Buttock, only a few of us are born with this feature. With a Brazilian Butt Lift, the size, shape and fullness of your butt can be enhanced with an optimally natural-looking results. A Brazilian Buttlift is commonly referred as Lipo360 and BBl signifying liposuction of the abdomen and back with fat grafting to the buttock, and circumferential liposuction with a butt lift. This innovative technique uses your own fat cells instead of buttock implants. Men and women alike who want better balance and proportion of their upper and lower body are good candidates for our Brazilian Butt Lift procedure. Please call Manhattan Surgical Care at 212-308-1566 to schedule a consultation with experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Basil Pakeman.
Natural Butt Augmentation with Fat Injections
Using liposuction, the Brazilian Butt lift technique takes fat from areas where you don’t want it – such as your tummy, waist, back or thighs – and transplants the fat into the buttocks area. The unique advantage of this technique is that it slims an area of excess fat and injects fat right in the area you desire, the buttock. Many women choose to take the fat from their tummy and waist area, resulting in an attractive and natural profile with curves in all the right places. Men can also transplant fat from the belly or love handle area, or anywhere else where pockets of fat exist.
The advantages of choosing a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL and Lipo360) instead of Buttock Implants are:
- The results are more natural and attractive.
- The incisions used in the procedure are smaller, resulting in minimal scarring.
- Recovery from a Brazilian butt lift is faster.
- Added slenderizing benefit of liposuction.
- Chance of butt implant rejection is eliminated.
Most people who want a shapelier butt are good candidates for a butt lift, although you may be better suited to butt implants if you do not have enough fat to transfer to the buttocks area. To see the stunning, natural results of the Brazilian Buttlift, Dr. Pakeman has accomplished for his butt lift patients, please visit our before-and-after gallery.
Video of Our Lovely Patient
Is a Butt Lift (BBL) right for You?
It’s not uncommon to notice physical changes in the size and shape of your buttocks over time. These changes may be caused by:
- Pregnancy
- Weight gain
- Weight loss
- Genetics
- Aging
Both men and women alike may be unhappy with a sagging, flat or poorly shaped booty. For women particularly, the butt lift procedure is a great way to create beautiful body proportions. Having an attractive butt is about having balance between shape, size and contour in proportion to the rest of your body. Many women who have breast augmentation can also benefit from butt augmentation to create ideal balance between the upper and lower body. Liposuction in the Brazilian Butt Lift further enhances the hourglass shape.
Frequently Asked Questions (Brazilian Butt Lift)
Q: What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?
A: A buttocks augmentation procedure (Lipo 360 and BBL) where fat is transferred from an area of excess of the body to enhance to enlarge the buttocks to create a rounder and shapelier rear end. Brazilian Butt Augmentation involves liposuction and fat transfer to the buttock. Unlike a buttock augmentation with a butt implant, fat can be placed in the hips, thigh and the buttocks.
Q: Who are good candidates for the Brazilian Buttock Lift?
A: Men or women with flat or poorly developed buttocks with excess fat in other areas of their body are generally excellent candidates for buttocks enlargement. Male or female buttock implants maybe considered for individuals with insufficient body fat.
Q: Where does the fat come from for the butt lift?
A: The fat is generally taken from the hips, flanks, abdomen and lower back for buttock enhancement, lipo360 and butt augmentation.
Q: How long does fat survive in a Brazilian Butt Lift?
A: The fat injections in the Brazilian Buttlift can potentially last a lifetime once it receives good blood supply at its new location in the buttocks.
Q: How much fat is needed in a Brazilian Butt Lift?
A: This will depend on the amount of correction desired. Dr. Pakeman commonly injects 300-1200 cc of fat per side for the Brazilian Buttlift Procedure.
Q: What are the risks and complications associated with a Brazilian Butt Lift surgery?
A: The risks of butt lift surgery with fat grafting are like those of liposuction with the additional risk of fat grafting to the buttocks. As with any surgeries, there is always risk of infection, bleeding, and scarring. There is a 30% chance of fat re-absorption in butt enhancement. Risks will vary depending on the patient. There is increase mortality risk associated with intra-muscle verses subcutaneous fat injections (injections within fat) within the buttock due to possible fat emboli. In a surgery by American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the risk of fat emboli is 1/3000 cases.
Q: What layers of the buttock is fat injected into with the butt lift?
A: In the Brazilian Butt Lift, fat is injected superficially beneath the skin within the fat layer of the buttock, and deep injection into the gluteal muscles. Deep injections within and below the muscles with BBL is associated with a high risk of fat embolism to the lung and heart can result in increased mortality. To perform a safer Butt lift Surgery, Dr. Pakeman injects fat only superficially in BBL. As a founding member of WAGS, Dr. Pakeman is in full support of patient safety and education. The World Association Gluteal Surgeons (WAGS) is an organization of the world top Gluteal Surgeons who are devoted to educating patients and doctors about performing gluteal procedures in the safest manner possible. WAGS was the brainchild of Dr. Michael Salzhauser (aka @therealdrmiami, DR Miami).
Q: Will follow-up visits be needed after the Brazilian Butt Lift?
A: Yes, the amount of visits needed for the Brazilian Buttock Lift will vary with each patient.
Q: What is the recovery time for a Brazilian Butt Lift?
A: Most patients can return to a desk job within one week. Returning to full activity levels also varies case by case, but usually this occurs in 2-3 weeks. The Brazilian Buttock Lift has a shorter recovery period than butt implant surgery. You must wear a special garment (to control swelling) for two weeks with Brazilian Buttlift.
Q: Can injectables like silicone and fillers instead of fat in a Brazilian Buttlift?
A: There are no silicone or fillers injectables that are FDA approved for uses in a Brazilian Butt Lift. It is not advisable to use these alternatives for a BBL procedure. The final results may be unsatisfactory requiring revision surgeries or may become a deadly complication.
Q: What is a Non- surgical Butt Lift?
A: There is a new trend of using Sculptra to stimulate fullness in the buttock, Sculptra Butt lift (SBL). Sculptra was FDA approved to stimulate your skin’s own natural collagen production to help restore its inner structure and increase facial volume, not in the Brazilian Butt Sugery. In the Sculptra Buttlift, Sculptra is being used off labeled for an unapproved use which at the discretion of the physician and patient. The Sculptra Butt Lift is also referred to a as a non-surgical butt lift since it is by injections. The Emsculpt or RF (radio Frequency) are sometime used in non-surgical buttlift. The Emsculpt uses electromagnetic wave that cause gluteal muscles contractions which thicken and strengthen muscle fibers, also build new fibers, to increase muscle mass, Emsculpt Butt Lift. RF uses radio frequency to tighten and tone the skin of the buttocks resulting a butt lift, but it does not add volume.
Q: What is the cost of the Brazilian Butt Lift?
A: The cost of Brazilian Butt Surgery will vary depending on the amount of fat transfer needed, the number of liposuction areas. Please call our office for a quote or far any additional questions.
Ultimately, the only way to know if this butt lift procedure is right for you is to consult our experienced cosmetic surgeon. Your individualized consultation will include discussing what you want to achieve and what your options are for doing so.
To find out if you are a good candidate for a butt lift procedure, please contact Manhattan Surgical Care in New York to schedule a consultation with experienced cosmetic surgeon Basil Pakeman, MD, FRCS.
To schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Pakeman, please call.
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Click here to learn more about Lipo 360 and BBL.
Click here to learn more about Brazilian Butt Lift.