240 East 64th Street, New York, NY 10065


Conveniently located to serve New York City

NYC SmartlipoStubborn, unsightly bulges of fat can frustrate you when the fat doesn’t shrink no matter how much you diet and exercise. SmartLipo™ is an advanced laser liposuction system that results in less downtime, swelling, and bruising after surgery. To find out if you are a New York SmartLipo candidate, please call Manhattan Surgical Care a 212-308-1566 to schedule a consultation with experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Basil Pakeman.

What is SmartLipo?

SmartLipo uses innovative laser technology to liquefy fat cells before they are removed with suction. The laser also coagulates surrounding blood vessels, resulting in less bruising and swelling after surgery. An additional benefit is a skin-tightening effect from the heat of the laser, which stimulates the production of collagen.

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* Individual results may vary.

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In traditional liposuction, an instrument called a cannula is used to break apart and suction out fat cells. The oldest methods tended to cause quite a bit of trauma because of how aggressively the fat was broken apart. With SmartLipo liposuction, a laser is used along with the cannula to melt fat cells before they are removed. The liquefaction of fat cells makes their removal easier and less traumatic.


  • Local anesthesia
  • Laser probe 1-2 mm
  • Liquefies fat
  • Promotes skin tightening
  • No sutures
  • Little or no scarring
  • Downtime-about 2 days

Traditional Liposuction

  • General Anesthesia
  • Large suctioning cannula
  • Suction Fat
  • May lead to Sagging skin
  • Suture closure
  • Large scar
  • Downtime-about 7-10 days

SmartLipo™ Advantages

male liposuction and SmartLipo™ in NYC and Manhattan Because of the laser technology, there are many advantages to the SmartLipo liposuction procedure, such as:

  • Enhanced surgical control
  • Faster recovery from surgery
  • Less bleeding, bruising and swelling
  • Moderate skin-tightening effect

Fat removal with liposuction is very precise, so it can be used in many areas, including:

  • Chin
  • Neck
  • Cheeks
  • Back
  • Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Hips
  • Male breasts (gynecomastia)

SmartLipo is a great treatment for women and men alike. It is an effective way to sculpt the body to reveal a more muscular, toned appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions about SmartLipo™

How does SmartLipo™ work?

A thin, laser probe approximately 1mm in diameter containing a laser fiber is inserted beneath the skin. The probe is passed beneath the skin into the fatty tissue, delivering the laser’s energy to the fat cells, causing them to rupture and easily drain away. This is known as laser-assisted lipolysis. The laser energy from SmartLipo™ interacts with the skin resulting in collagen shrinkage and tighter skin.

Laser body sculpting with SmartLipo™ is performed under local anesthesia and is a minimally invasive procedure. The laser energy causes small blood vessels to coagulate on contact, resulting in less bleeding, swelling, and bruising and a quicker recovery time than conventional liposuction.

Who is a good candidate for SmartLipo™?

If your fatty areas are not responding to diet and exercise, you’re probably an ideal candidate for SmartLipo™. Most SmartLipo™ candidates are in good health, of normal or near-normal body weight, and have realistic expectations.

How many treatments are needed with SmartLipo™?

Only one treatment is required for most patients with SmartLipo™ laser liposuction.

What is the recovery period for SmartLipo™?

You may experience minimal swelling and bruising with SmartLipo™. Most patients are able to return to work within 1-2 days, depending on their activities.

Does SmartLipo™ treat cellulite?

SmartLipo™ treatment may improve cellulite to a certain degree with improved body contour.

When can I expect to see SmartLipo™ results?

SmartLipo™ results are visible immediately with continuing improvement up to six months.

Are the results long-lasting with SmartLipo™?

Yes. SmartLipo™ results should be maintained with proper diet and exercise. Fat cells are permanently removed during a SmartLipo™ treatment. If weight gain should occur in the future, most fat will be deposited in other areas of the body not treated.

Can SmartLipo™ be used with traditional liposuction?

Yes. When used in combination for large areas, patients get the best of two worlds: fat removal and skin tightening. SmartLipo™ can correct irregularities left by prior liposuction.

SmartLipo™ Vs. Vaser liposuction

SmartLipo™ uses light energy (laser energy) to melt fat, tighten skin and seal blood vessels to minimize bruising and swelling for a faster recovery. Vaser liposuction uses ultrasound energy to break up fat thereby facilitating fat removal for aspiration. Sometimes SmartLipo™ and Vaser are used as complementary treatments in LipoSculpting.

Is SmartLipo™ safe?

Laser body sculpting or facial body sculpting with SmartLipo™ is safer because it is done with the tumescent technique, which eliminates many of the risks normally associated with general anesthesia.

Contact Our Office

To schedule a liposuction consultation with experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Basil Pakeman to find out if you are a good candidate for New York Smartlipo surgery, please call Manhattan Surgical Care at 212-308-1566.

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