240 East 64th Street, New York, NY 10065

Liposuction Surgery

Conveniently located to serve New York City

Liposuction & Body Sculpting

liposuction NYC | Manhattan Surgical CareLiposuction is one of the most common cosmetic procedures across America and worldwide. Many women and men are choosing this body-contouring surgery to reshape their figure and eliminate areas of fat that are not responding to diet and exercise alone. Our cosmetic surgeon offers an array of lipo techniques at our New York office and can help you decide if this procedure is right for you.
Manhattan Surgical Care can help you achieve your aesthetic goals through liposuction and other cosmetic surgeries. If you’re looking to remove stubborn fat, please call Dr. Basil Pakeman in New York today at 212-308-1566 to schedule your consultation. Our office serves clients in New York, , and nationwide.
Dr. Pakeman and our entire cosmetic surgery team are personally committed to helping you achieve results that will allow you to look and feel great. The only way to know if liposuction is the right way to get the final results you want is to discuss your wishes with Dr. Pakeman during a one-on-one consultation. Not only does Dr. Pakeman want to know what your goals are for getting liposuction in New York City, but also he can answer all of your liposuction questions and make sure you know all of your options before making a final decision.

Liposuction Before and After Results
Liposuction Before and After Results


Liposuction Before and After Results
Liposuction Before and After Results


Liposuction Before and After Results
Liposuction Before and After Results

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Learn More About Liposuction Surgery:

The Science Behind Liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical procedure designed to sculpt and contour the body. It involves the targeted removal of fat cells from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, or upper arms. Tumescent liposuction, laser assisted liposuction, and power assisted liposuction (PAL) are among the types of liposuction available, each offering distinct benefits.

Tumescent liposuction, a more refined version of traditional liposuction, employs a specialized fluid injection to numb the area, minimize bleeding, and facilitate a more controlled, less invasive procedure with reduced discomfort and faster recovery.

Laser-assisted liposuction employs laser energy to liquefy fat cells, facilitating their removal with greater precision.

Power-assisted liposuction involves the use of mechanical motion to aid in fat removal, enabling patients to work within a few days of the procedure.
beautiful woman with perfect smile

About Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction is also known as “lipoplasty” or “suction lipectomy.” The results of liposuction surgery tend to be excellent with immediate improvement in body contour and size. Lipo is not an answer for weight loss or obesity. This cosmetic procedure is best for those who are at or near their goal weight but have stubborn fatty areas that need exercise and diet can’t get rid of.

Lipo technology has advanced significantly over the span of decades to give you more options than ever before when it comes to safe, effective fat removal. These advancements allow lipo to be done on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, which means you can have a comfortable recovery in your own home. These changing techniques give our cosmetic surgeons the ability to form a more pleasing contour.

The basic details you need to know about lipo include:

  • Lipo Techniques: Tumescent Liposuction / SmartLipo / Power Lipo / Vaser / Ultrasound Lipo / Safelipo / Hi Def Liposuction
  • Purpose: To remove stubborn, hard-to-lose fat
  • Surgery Length: 1-3 hours, depending on how many areas
  • Anesthesia: Local
  • Where: Outpatient
  • Common Areas: Abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, upper arms, chin, cheeks, neck, and male chest (gynecomastia)
  • Recovery: Minimal bruising, swelling, and tenderness
  • Risks: Infection, skin irregularities

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The Liposuction Process

Your surgery in New York begins with the area being photographed and marked before being sculpted through liposuction. This is then followed by the administration of oral sedating medication. The area is cleaned with a sterile antiseptic solution and small pinholes (adits) are made in the skin through which tumescent anesthesia solution is infiltrated into the areas.

The tumescent fluid is next allowed to settle for a while and then the liposuction process begins. The entire body sculpting procedure usually takes about 1- 3 hours depending on the amount of fat being removed. Following body lipo or facial lipo, specific compression garments are applied to the treated area and should be worn for several days or weeks. The garments help the skin during the healing process to conform to the newly reduced body contours, and they also provide comfort and support.

Liposuction Treatment Areas

Modern liposuction technologies have made the procedure safer and have given Dr. Pakeman the ability to remove fat from a wide array of body areas such as:

  • Abdomen/tummy
  • Buttocks
  • Inner, outer and anterior thighs
  • Hips
  • Love handles or “flanks”
  • Upper arms
  • Knees
  • Breasts
  • Male chest (gynecomastia)
  • Neck
  • Chin
  • Cheeks

These body areas and even certain areas of your face are susceptible to accumulating extra fat that often doesn’t shrink in response to diet, exercise, and weight loss. This list is not exhaustive, and Dr. Pakeman can tell you whether the area you want to slim down can be treated with liposuction. The most commonly requested areas for lipo include the abdomen, thighs, and arms.

Types of Lipo

Types of Liposuction | Manhattan, New York City | Cosmetic SurgeryThere are various liposuction techniques that range in invasiveness. The right type of lipo for you depends on the body area and your aesthetic goals. Our cosmetic surgeon is well-versed in all of these techniques and can tell you the right way to approach your surgery during your initial consultation. Your liposuction procedure will involve one of these variations:

Dr. Pakeman believes in providing his patients with the most advanced technologies and techniques that are as least invasive as possible. Both ultrasound-assisted and laser liposuction techniques have the advantage of being less invasive than older technologies because they prepare the fat before it is suctioned away. These methods typically result in less bruising and swelling.

Our cosmetic surgeon also offers LipoDissolve™ which uses microinjections to break down your fat cells and promote their natural elimination through your body using a series of treatments to reach your aesthetic goals.

By integrating different types of lipo technology during your surgery, we at Manhattan Surgical Care in New York are able to offer improved skin tightening or skin contraction and provide more precise body contouring results to smaller areas of the body that are often difficult to reach through conventional liposuction surgery.

SmartLipo™ Laser Liposuction

SmartLipo™ is laser-assisted liposuction. Using the SmartLipo™ laser, Dr. Pakeman prepares the fat cells for removal by liquefying them. Then the fat cells are removed with a cannula (small tube) device. By preparing the fat cells for removal, SmartLipo™:

  • Is less traumatic.
  • Is less invasive.
  • Causes less bruising and swelling.

Melting the fat with SmartLipo™ results in a more efficient, less traumatic liposuction procedure.

VASER Lipo™ Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction

Like SmartLipo™, VASER Lipo™ prepares the fat cells prior to removal by cannula suction. VASER is an ultrasound-assisted liposuction technique. The VASER probe emits high-frequency ultrasound energy, which ruptures fat cell walls. The ruptured fat cells allow the fat to liquefy and make it easier and less traumatic to remove.

Tumescent Liposuction

The tumescent technique involves injecting tumescent fluid, which contains a local anesthetic. Tumescent fluid both swells the fat cells and numbs the treatment area. The tumescent fluid makes the fat cells firm and swollen, which makes it easier to remove the fat with a cannula. Post-operative pain, bruising and swelling is reduced because tumescent fluid temporarily shrinks blood vessels. This technique is used for body, facial, and neck fat removal. It is also commonly used to treat gynecomastia ­— a condition where men have excess fat in their chest due to weight loss or genetics.

Power Liposuction

Power-assisted liposuction (PAL) uses a vibrating instrument to mechanically break apart fat cells. The vibrating tip makes it easier for Dr. Pakeman to move through the fat with the cannula and suction it away. This lipo technique can quickly remove more fat giving you better results with a faster recovery period.

Hi, everyone I wanted to let you know my experience with Dr. Pakeman was an experience I’ll never forget as long as I live. I wake up 2AM to look in the mirror and can’t believe it, Doctor Pakeman made me me look natural. He is a true genius, he is an artist. He takes what he does very serious. What Doc has done for me made me more confident which is everything I will never go to anyone else. Also his staff is incredible, and extremely caring.

Liposuction Candidates

Most individuals with diet-resistant fat are excellent candidates for liposuction surgery; however, the best candidates have a healthy lifestyle and are within 30 pounds of their ideal body weight. Liposuction surgery should not be considered a substitute for weight loss and, therefore, should not be performed on severely obese individuals.

Liposuction is not a safe method of weight loss and removing too much fat at one time can significantly increase risks and complications. If you are not close to your ideal weight, Dr. Pakeman may recommend diet and exercise to help improve your chances of a safe and successful procedure.

In addition to a healthy lifestyle and weight, you must be a non-smoker. If you smoke, Dr. Pakeman will require you to quit at least six weeks in advance of your surgery. Quitting includes nicotine replacement therapy and e-cigarettes, both of which contain vascular constrictors and can complicate your recovery and results.

Good liposuction candidates should be:

  • In general good physical health.
  • Prepared for a surgical procedure.
  • Capable of taking time off during a short recovery period.
  • Able to limit physical activities until advised otherwise.
  • Willing to follow all pre and postoperative instructions.

There are many things that can factor into your candidacy for liposuction, which is one of the reasons scheduling an appointment is so beneficial. If you are a good candidate for this procedure, Dr. Pakeman will discuss your expectations, your liposuction options, and other pertinent information to ensure the most rewarding experience. Consult with our expert team about the cost of liposuction in New York.

Candidates not suitable for liposuction include:

  • Those seeking weight loss solutions rather than localized fat removal
  • Individuals with health issues
  • Those with unrealistic expectations

Tummy tucks may be more suitable for those requiring excess skin removal. Liposuction is not a substitute for losing weight through diet and exercise.

Post Surgical Recovery for Liposuction

Immediately following liposuction surgery, patients may feel a slight soreness and mild to moderate discomfort in the area that was treated. Typically, this discomfort can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

Lipo patients are encouraged to wear a compression garment for two to three weeks following the procedure in order to keep bruising and swelling to a minimum. In addition, heavy lifting and exercise should be avoided for two weeks following liposuction surgery. Optimal body-contouring improvement is seen within three to six months.

Following liposuction surgery, many patients find that their self-image and self-confidence have greatly improved, making their results easier to maintain through healthy diet and exercise choices.

Male Liposuction

Male liposuction in NYCMale liposuction is one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures that men have done. Liposuction for men eliminates unwanted fat deposits typically from the abdomen, waist, chest (gynecomastia), neck, and chin area.

Gynecomastia involves excess fat in the male breast and is secondary to the overdevelopment of breast tissue (fat and glandular tissue), which affects 35-55% of all men. Many men with gynecomastia feel very self-conscious of their appearance. Male liposculpture can produce a leaner and firmer chest and greatly improve your self-image and confidence.

Males also tend to accumulate fat in the abdominal and love handle areas, which are often very hard to eliminate with weight loss. This is where male liposculpture can help to reshape your body. Lipo can be used for abdominal etching and pectoral etching through Hi-Def. lipo or SmartLipo™ laser liposuction.

Mini Liposuction

Mini liposuction is used primarily to remove small areas of fat that do not respond well to a healthy diet and exercise. This less-invasive lipo option is ideal for spot treatment in one or two areas. Even if you’re at an ideal weight, stubborn fat pockets may persist around your:

  • Chin
  • Knees
  • Elbows
  • Breasts (bra rolls)

These resistant areas can be treated with mini liposuction with great results. Mini lipo minimizes your recovery time and is done quickly with local anesthesia.

Teen Liposuction

Teenagers are often faced with many pressures including the desire to look their best during a critical time of their development. During this time, teenage bodies are undergoing many hormonal, physiological, and psychological changes. More teenagers are now turning to liposuction to help improve their appearance.

It is generally recommended that teens should wait until age 18 to have lipo for cosmetic reasons, but there are cases where teenage liposuction may be considered necessary and safe. These cases should be determined on an individual basis and can be discussed during your consultation with Dr. Pakeman. in New York

Why Choose Us?

Choosing Manhattan Surgical Care for liposuction means entrusting your care to Dr. Basil Pakeman, a double board-certified surgeon specializing in cosmetic oculofacial surgery and liposurgery. Dr. Pakeman is recognized for his innovative, minimally-invasive approaches in cosmetic surgery.

Dr. Pakeman’s extensive training and expertise encompass various types of liposuction, including ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL). You can benefit from his commitment to precision, skill, and artistry, allowing you to return to work quickly and enjoy the results of fat removal in target areas of your body.

As a leader in the field, Dr. Pakeman’s lectures and scientific articles contribute to the advancement of cosmetic oculofacial surgery. With a lifelong dedication to his career, he has earned the respect of his peers as a distinguished and accomplished surgeon.

What is the Cost of Liposuction in New York?

The cost of a Liposuction will depend on several factors. The price can be affected by body type, type of technique performed, surgical complications, and even allergies. Find out more by scheduling a consultation.

Contact Our Office

If you’re interested in liposuction, please call Manhattan Surgical Care in New York today at 212-308-1566 to schedule your initial consultation. Dr. Pakeman provides experienced cosmetic surgery to clients in New York, and nationwide..

Dr. Pakeman is an expert contributor on RealSelf.

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